A Young Thug Comes to Life

            My first time listening to Young Thug was a truly revolutionary moment in my life. I heard his first song towards the end of the 8th grade going into my freshman year of high school. The song in question was “Check” off of the album Barter 6, and it was such an amazing mix off emotions when I first listened. Initially, I was quite confused on the exact lyrics that were being spoken due to the fact that it was utilizing a lot of Atlanta slang that I was not conditioned to. Yet, even without me knowing the lyrics I had an energy within myself that was indescribable. I realized very quickly that I was listening to an individual that was very special.


            Young Thug’s upbringing was a very rough one for any individual. He was the tenth child born into a family of eleven children in total. That meant that he was under one mother with ten other siblings, which he has mentioned in interviews many times that “it was tough.” Along with that, he was expelled from school in 6th grade for breaking a teacher’s arm in an altercation, which resulted in Young Thug receiving four years in a juvenile prison for his actions. Despite all the shortcomings, he ended up pursuing a career in rap music and now he has become one of the most popular artists in the world.


            Young Thug released a multitude of projects in the year of 2015, which include two parts of the Slime Season series being Slime Season 1 and Slime Season 2, along with the highly critically regarded Barter 6. These mixtapes have gone down in his discography history for being some of his greatest pieces of work. Slime Season 2 will always resonate with me because it was the first Young Thug album that I listened to in full. It truly made me understand the entire psyche behind Young Thug, and made me appreciate his entire artistic vision. Young Thug’s discography is based around braggadocios lyrics in conjunction with an amazing flow on the production. He is very much reflective in many of his songs, but his flow is what really attracts casual listeners, due to the fact that it is constantly changing within a single song. Young Thug can go from rapping lyrics like a long time lyricists to singing bars that harmonize perfectly with the production. He has placed no limits on the ceilings that he is reaching. 


            Young Thug has been one of my favorite artist for about five years and counting due to the fact that he is immensely consistent. He never compromises on his original sound while also constantly reinventing himself. Even his most recent album So Much Fun was my favorite release of 2019, which just shows the longevity that he possesses. He is a once in a lifetime artist and I am immensely pleased to have lived through all his current releases, and I cannot wait for what the future holds. 


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